Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Early Days with Ansible for Nginx and Elastic Search on EC2

As our new recruitment site, sorted.jobs  edges towards production I have to start thinking more about the infrastructure side of things. The search part of the site uses ElasticSearch which is, by design, insecure if you can find an installation you can use it.  Current best practice seems to be to hide it behind a web server running https, normally Nginx, and use that to control access.

This gives me two sets of machines to configure, the Nginx proxy and the Elasticsearch server, since we're trying to be a grown up company we don't want to do all this by hand every time, so it make sense to script it. In the bad old days we used to do this with the Unix shell, see I said Unix not Linux -that's how old those bad old days were! Now we don't need to do that we can have centralised deployments using a variety of tools  such as Chef, Puppet and johnny-come-lately Ansible.

So why choose Ansible? I have briefly played with Chef, and looked at Puppet for another company, and I seem to remember them being fairly complicated. I did a web search to compare the two and Ansible popped up as well in several cases.

Ansible had a few things going for it ;configuration files are in standard YAML, no client to install, Jinja2 templates -which we are already using- and the words 'easy', 'simple' and 'uncomplicated' came up a lot. So I decided to give it a whirl.

Getting it going

Ansible uses a hosts file (held in /etc/ansible/hosts) to define the servers it wants to talk to. As well as defining hosts you can group them for use in playbooks.

We are running sorted.jobs ElasticSearch on EC2 so the definitions look like : ansible_ssh_user=ansible_user ansible_ssh_private_key_file=ansible_key.pem
you can use either IP addresses or domain names to set up the server.

Running a simple command like `ansible all -m ping`or `ansible all -a "/bin/echo hello"`  will let you test out the definitions.

Once you have the definitions sorted out it is time to get Ansible to actually do something useful, you do this with playbooks. A playbook is basically just a script to tell Ansible what to do when. You run them with ansible-playbook  (e.g. ansible-playbook -v elasticsearch.yml). This caught me out initially as I was looking for an option to pass the playbook to the 'ansible' command.

First Playbook Nginx

This playbook installs Nginx uploads the certificates configuration and password files for https
- hosts: es_proxys
  sudo: yes

    - name: Installs nginx web server
      apt: pkg=nginx state=installed update_cache=true
        - start nginx

    - name: Upload default ngix certs and conf
      copy: src=./es_proxys/conf.tar dest=/tmp

    - name: Untar
      command: tar xf conf.tar
      register: untarred
      ignore_errors: True

    - name: move to nginx etc
      command: mv conf /etc/nginx

    - name: move to nginx etc
      command: `mv .htpasswd /etc/nginx
      register: https_conf

    - name: Upload proxy vhost
      copy: src=es_proxys/es_proxy dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled
      when: https_conf|success
        - restart nginx
    - name: start nginx
      service: name=nginx state=started

    - name: restart nginx
      action: service name=nginx state=restarted
From the top , the names of the tasks should tell you what each one is trying to do :
  1. hosts refer to the hosts -or host groups in the Ansible hosts file we talked about above.
  2. sudo -run this as root.
  3. tasks simply the list of things to do
  4. apt the ansible module for the Ubuntu packaging system
  5. notify call a handler
  6. handlers commands that can be run on demand from tasks, typically used to do things like bouncing servers.
  7. register the result of a command into a variable
  8. when conditionally run a task based on the value of a variable. In the example above  the `mv .htpasswd /etc/nginx` command must have succeeded (and, by implication, the earlier tasks) for the proxy upload to be run.

Basic ElasticSearch

This playybook installs Elasticsearch and sets it up with some extra Elasticsearch plugins and a backup configuration.

As well as the things we saw in the proxy  Playbook there are some new features :
  1. get_url  does what it says on the tin, as you can see it also checks file checksums
  2. changed_when tells Ansible when something has happened, in this case it's used because dpkg will succeed whether or not it installs anything
  3. shell runs a Linux shhell command in the raw, command samitizes it.
  4. cron sets up a cron job.
Note in one case I had to use a raw command (curl in the backup config) as I couldn't get the builtin (get_url) to work for me (horrendous quoting issues.
- hosts: es_servers
  sudo: yes

  - name: Installs java JRE
    apt: pkg=openjdk-7-jre-headless state=installed update_cache=true
    register: jre
  - name: Download ES
    get_url: url=https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.3.4.deb dest=/tmp/es.deb sha256sum=6a15ab0f8c13574162e98828d7ec0e1155e6136f9d45c54b88e39222bbbd53ca
    register: es_dl
  - name: Install ES
    command: dpkg --skip-same-version -i /tmp/es.deb
    register: dpkg_result
    changed_when: "dpkg_result.stdout.startswith('Selecting')"
    when: jre|success and es_dl|success
      - start es
  - name: Remove ES Attachment plugin
    shell: /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -r elasticsearch-mapper-attachments || /bin/true
    register: es_plug_result
    changed_when: "'Removed' in es_plug_result.stdout"
    when: dpkg_result|success
  - name: Install ES Attachment plugin
    command: /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -i  elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/2.3.0
    register: es_plug_result
    changed_when: "'Installed' in es_plug_result.stdout"
      - restart es
  - name: Remove ES S3 plugin
    shell: /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -r elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws || /bin/true
    register: es_plug_result
    changed_when: "'Removed' in es_plug_result.stdout"
    when: dpkg_result|success
  - name: Install ES S3 plugin
    command: /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -i  elasticsearch/elasticsearch-cloud-aws/2.3.0
    register: es_plug_result
    changed_when: "'Installed' in es_plug_result.stdout"
      - restart es
  - name: Upload s3 config
    copy: src=./s3_config.json dest=/home/ubuntu
  - name: Configure backup for s3
    command: curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/s3_live' -d @/home/ubuntu/s3_config.json
    register: s3_result
    changed_when: "'acknowledged' in s3_result.stdout"
  - name: Remove s3 config
    command: rm /home/ubuntu/s3_config.json
  - name: S3 cron
    cron: name=s3_bup hour=1 minute=50 job='curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/_snapshot/s3_live/snapshot_$(date +\%Y\%m\%d)"'
  - name: start es
    service: name=elasticsearch state=started
  - name: restart es
    service: name=elasticsearch state=restarted

 The Book 

If you want a book there's Ansible Configuration Management I did buy this, but I think you will do just as well with the Ansible documentation.


  1. Instead of `command: tar xf conf.tar` consider using http://docs.ansible.com/unarchive_module.html
    Instead of downloading debs and then `command: dpkg`, consider using http://docs.ansible.com/apt_repository_module.html with info from http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/setup-repositories.html#_apt
    Both of these changes will make your playbooks more "ansible" and less brute-forcy. ;)

    I don't know your experience but have you looked at https://galaxy.ansible.com/list#/roles? It has a couple of ES playbooks that you could take advantage of, rather than reinvent the wheel. :)

  2. Thanks for those, I did have a version of the script running with unarchive, but I updated ansible and it stopped working!

    I guess there's a question of how 'ansible' I want to make them, after all there are already a bunch of well tried shell commands for these operations that ansible is wrapping, that I already know.

    I'll have a look at ES playbooks to see what they offer, I am still pretty much open minded as to how I want to configure ES, Ansible &c, Cloud Init, just baking images. More investigation needed.

